Since the virus initially emerged in the United States, we have watched waves of COVID-19 rise and decrease. Cases are now rising again as the Delta version rips over the continent.With just half of the US population completely protected and a highly contagious variation on the loose, understanding what COVID looks like is a necessity for average population.
An array of symptoms may accompany COVID-19. Know that there might be some individuals have no symptoms at all.
Research says that after two to fourteen days of exposure to the virus, symptoms may develop. Read these below-mentioned symptoms listed below, you may have COVID-19.
7. Chills or a high fever
8. Cough
9. Another symptom is that you may feel of being out of breath or having trouble breathing
10. Fatigue
11. Aches and pains in muscles or other parts of the body
12. Headache
13. A new aversion to certain tastes or smells
14. Sore throat
15. Nasal congestion or a stuffy nose
16. Vomiting or feeling sick to one’s stomach
17. Diarrhea
Know that it is not the comprehensive list of all potential symptoms. But if you are suffering from any of these symptoms, you should consider utilizing ‘Bulk at home covid tests return to work covid testing’before going back to work.
What are the signs and symptoms of the Delta variant?
The symptoms of the India-originating Delta variant vary somewhat from those of the first variation that swept throughout the United States.
After lots of researches, experts are saying that headache is the most common symptom for those with the Delta form, followed by sore throat, runny nose, and a high temperature. As Spector points out, these aren’t the “typical” symptoms.
Also, there is a fifth symptom which is cough, but it doesn’t happen much. He goes on to say that for those with the Delta variation, loss of smell is not among the top 10 symptoms recorded.
The symptoms you encounter if you’ve been vaccinated but still become infected are going to be minor, if you have any symptoms at all.
Basic COVID symptoms and signs in people of all ages
